

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

january 28- february 7

WOW! It's been awhile since I have done this. oh the shame.

January 28- Kira with her BFF Michaela at the Girl Scout Thinking Day this year. They are such pretty girls. Love them!!

January 29- This was the pile of crayon wrappers that I ended up with while making Alex's class their heart shaped crayons for Valentines Day. The teacher has requested no candy in the treat bags so I had to get creative. A word of wisdom on stripping crayons- buy the cheap crayons and not Crayola. Their paper is super glued to the crayon sticks!

January 30- Kira hanging out in her room at her desk working hard. ooops, wrong picture. This is her before bedtime playing with her large collection of Pokemon figures.

January 31- My little guy sleeping. I went in to check on him and found this adorable scene. I couldn't resist grabbing the camera and snapping a picture. Love his little hand on his head. So sweet.

 February 1- This is Alex's project for the 100th day of school. One hundred happy face stickers. So stinking cute and so Alex.

February 2- Hey look at that- it's the top of my desk! It had been missing for quite some time. The reason for the cleaning spree? I had lost a gift card that was needed the next day and had to find it. Good news, I did find it. Whew!

February 3- My morning breakfast date. Isn't he the most handsome guy ever?? We ate breakfast and then did a huge list of errands before we picked Alex up at 11am. Busy morning.

February 4- Look at this adorable speaker I found at Toys R Us!! It is made for an ipod or other Apple product so my non-ipod does not fit into the small space like it should, but it works for me to listen to my music in my office now. Love it. And Kermit rocks! Literally. LOL

February 5- Happy Birthday to the big guy in the middle. We had a football themed cake due to the playing of the Super Bowl on his birthday. It worked for us.

February 6- Alex's stack of books he picked out at the library while we were waiting for Kira to finish up with Girl Scouts. Pretty good collection of fun reads. And a DVD slipped in there as well.

February 7- This is the 100th day of school!! These are all the collections that everyone brought in. So darn neat to see everyone's collection and what they chose to bring. Have I mentioned my intense love affair with the kindergarten students this year?? Love them all.

Once again I am caught up. Whew... only took me uploading from three cameras. I need to stop using so many cameras. Getting hard to keep track of where all my pictures are.

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